We Salute the Claremont Veterans, Our Heros

World War I Claremont Veterans (1914-1918)
(missing all photos of Vets, please email us if you have any,
email is claremontenquirer@yahoo.ca )

World War II Claremont Veterans (1939-1945)
(below only missing photo is Vet - Henry Rasmusen,
please email it to us, email is claremontenquirer@yahoo.ca )

Killed in action

Killed In Action

Killed In Action

Killed in action

Killed in action

Killed In Action

Killed in action

Killed in action

Killed in action

Survivors of World War II - Claremont Veterans (1939-1945)
(please email us pictures of those below in uniform at claremontenquirer@yahoo.ca
also any photos of their awards, plaques, letters, etc. would be appreciated)

Year Joined ?, Age 22 Pilot Royal Canadian Airforce Born 1925/02/27 Died 2015/06/17

Joined 1944, Age 18 India Seaman Royal Navy Combined Operation Born ? - Died ?

Joined Sept 1945, Age 19 Holland - L/Corporal Royal Canadian Army Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age 22 24th Field Co. Grade SPR - R. C. E. Born 1920/05/30 Died 1997/08/19

Year Joined ?, Age 19 Mechanic/Tank DIV Royal Canadian Army Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age 26 Private - 5th DIV. Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age 17 Calgary Highlanders Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age ? Rank ? Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age ? Rank ? Born ? - Died ?

Joined Dec 1944, Age 29 Reinforcement of Queen's Own Regiment Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age ? Rank ? Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age 28 Private Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps Born ? - Died ?

(1st Duty) Year Joined ?, Age 18 Telegraphist Royal Canadian Navy Born ? - Died ?

(2nd Duty) Joined 1951, Age 26 L/CPL, Korean Theatre, R.C.C.S. Royal 22nd Infantry Regiment Born ? - Died ?

Joined 1944, Age 19 Vancouver B.C. Merchant Navy Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age 23 Driver/Mechanic Argyle Southern Highlanders Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age 23 Private Medical Corp Served in France Royal Canadian Army Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age 19 Rear-Gunner Royal Canadian Airforce Born ? - Died ?

Lillian Kathleen Joined 1944, Age 22 Leading Wren Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service Born 1922/11/07 - Is still alive Married to Robert -->

Year Joined ?, Age 19 QRII Captain of Gun Royal CDN Naval Vol Reserve Born 1921/01/06 Died 2009/08/? <--- Married to Kathleen

Year Joined ?, Age 17 Signalman Royal Canadian Artillery Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age ? Rank ? Born ? - Died ?

Joined 1942, Age ? Discharged 1946 Lieutenant General List Infantry Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age 23 Brockville Rifles Toronto Scottish Regiment Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age ? Rank ? Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age ? Rank ? Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age ? Rank ? Born ? - Died ?

Joined 1942, Age 28 Dufferin Haldimand Rifle of Canada Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age ? Rank ? Born ? - Died ?

Year Joined ?, Age 25 Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineer Born ? - Died ?

If you are aware of anyone who served in the wars, although not living in Claremont at the time, we still need to know immediately so we can include them on this page and give them the tribute and thanks they so well deserve. They fought for our FREEDOM!