
Businesses Near The Railroad Tracks
Historic Information Supplied by Frank Taylor
1) Mildred Taylor and Harold Loyst's home was at the station road area where they ran a number of businesses including a chicken canning factory then later a butcher shop, a frozen food locker, an egg grading station and a general store at this location.
2) The Williamsons' ran a tomato canning factory on the north side of the tracks with the Co-op on the west side of the Brock road.
It is likely a large part of the history not many know about or at least remember.
- Frank Taylor
If any of our residents have photos of these businesses, please share them!

Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson
January 3, 1887 - August 18, 1982
Dr. Tomlinson was a valued asset to this community and in early years would travel miles by foot, snowshoe, horse and buggy and later, in a Model T Ford to visit patients in north Pickering. He practiced medicine for 56 years until age 90. He received thanks from hundreds of friends at his 90th birthday. Many lives were saved by this gentle man. He helped the injured and was there at the birth of many babies born in the area. He was also in charge of those with scarlet fever who were quarantined and he stayed isolated in the Masonic Hall until they were well.

School House
Claremont Public School
(1841-original building) (1865-rebuilt) (1920-torn down) (1921-current building) (2017 - Renovations)
Do you know what year the public school expansion occurred providing a library, office and gymnasiam? (If you know the answer please email us). Prior to the expansion, Kindegarten was held at the Claremont Community Hall.

Store Burns Down
Claremont General Store (2009)
The Claremont General Store currently owned by Daniel Park burned down to the ground in 2009. Jim and Esther Curtis owned the Corner Store,1959-1971. Paul & Doris Lake owned it sometime after that, not sure of the exact years. After the fire a temporary store location was created adapting a nearby garage of a home. In 2012 the Claremont General Store was rebuilt with the exterior replicating the original design.

Strange Invaders (Filmed in Claremont)
Movie Released 1983
This movie was filmed in Claremont. In the movie Claremont was to look like the 1950's and the town was called Centerville. We know many of the Claremont residents were 'extras' in the movie and local homes can be seen in the movie. If you have photos or stories about the happenings and events during the filming of this movie, please email them to us at claremontenquirer@yahoo.ca